About Us

We are the Chino Valley Democratic Club. A Democratic Organization dedicated to helping the Chino Valley area prosper and become a great place to grow up and raise a family in San Bernardino County.

What We Do

Democracy Matters   Our country was founded on the principles of a Representative Democracy where the citizens eligible to vote would get together from time to time to elect the Representatives who would then go to a certain place to from a congress and conduct the business of the government for the people. The framers wrote …

Welcome Message, Mission Statement, Our Values

Welcome Message     Mission Statement The Chino Valley Democratic Club, under charter from the San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee, is committed to preserving and fostering the Democratic Party’s principles and its spirit of dedication in support of the rights, liberties and dreams of all citizens of American society, with equality and without exclusion, through education, voter …

Club Officers

Constitutional Officers (Term June 2024 – June 2025) President: Jim Gallagher 1st Vice President: Marian Arguello 2nd Vice President: Paul Rodriguez Recording Secretary: Sarah Omari (appointee12/24) Treasurer:  Cash Sutton (appointee 9/24) Parliamentarian: Diego Fernandez Corresponding Secretary:  Vacancy12/24 Sergeant-at-Arms: Stephano Padilla Staff  Website Content Manager: Jim Gallagher

Club Service Area

The Club serves Democrats in the Chino Valley area of San Bernardino County- the cities of Chino, Chino Hills, South Ontario  New Assembly Districts 53 and 59 (formerly Assembly Districts 52 & 55)

Constitution and Bylaws

                  CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS (Adopted January 11, 2021) 1: NAME The name of this organization shall be the Chino Valley Democratic Club, which includes Chino, Chino Hills, and South Ontario. 2: PURPOSE 2.1. The Chino Valley Democratic Club (hereinafter called the Club) shall focus its efforts within …

Club Affiliation

  We are a proud affiliate of the San Bernardino County Democratic Party and the California Democratic Party   One of 21 affiliates in the county!

Democratic Party History

  At the start of the 21st Century, the Democratic Party can look back on a proud history, a history not just of a political organization but of a national vision. It is a vision based on the strength and power of millions of economically empowered, socially diverse and politically active Americans. Over two hundred …

Meeting Minutes (Members access only)

Meeting minutes archive (CVD members only) Click on link above.